Farsala Trilogy

The Farsala Trilogy is a series of three fantasy novels, written by Hilari Bell.


Main characters

These are the main characters that appear in all of the three books:


The story starts out with Soraya mad because she is being sent away to the Suud dessert because if not she would be sacrificed to the djinn. The twelve deghans debate on her sacrifice and her father, Commander Merahb, slyly turns the conversation to let her go. The Commander assigns Jiaan to escort Soraya to her hiding place. Soraya meets the Suud and befriends them. They teach her magic. Kavi gets caught by the Commander selling fake gold.

Legend of Sorahb


The Farasala trilogy is set in a fantasy world.

The country in which the trilogy takes place is called Farsala, a land with diverse physical features, from swamps to deserts. Farsala is in-between the newly taken over country of Sendar to the West and the war torn country of Kadesh to the East, with the ocean covering all of its southern border and the desert, or badlands, covering its northern one. Farsala is ruled by the Gahn (or King) and the twelve deghan (noble) houses, each represented by an animal.[1]

Hrum, thought not a location any of the action takes place in, is an important country to the plot of the story. The Hrum are the invaders who seek to conquer Farsala, and add more land to their empire. The Hrum seem to be loosely based on the roman empire. [1]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Bell, Hilari. The Farsala Trilogy. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc. 2003 to 2006. Print.